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"Brush with purpose,
 make The system smile"

System Value & Metrics

Product and Interface Development




Business Management & Growth









Creation, Exchange,


Juan Alzate
Kathleen Black
Noel Gonzales
Rutuja Patil
Business Model 
Service Offering
Metrics Evaluation
UX & Service Design


Process Book

An innovation strategy that takes the dental industry from its current stage, making doctor's visit a positive experience. Users can look forward to their scheduled check-ups at a affordable and continuous rate. The project's exploration allowed breaking away from the pattern of the no shows in the healthcare system and encouraged health prioritization.

Bita is a service that educates, motivates, and improves relationships between patients, dentists, and insurance carriers. ​

Design Process

Ashley Montalvo _ Class Intro _ Gulfstre

As part of a group collaborative project, we established a project plan for the course of the project's longevity. This way we could follow every week's task plan and prioritize stages on the development of our end goal. 

research overview

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Targeted Users

Families / young adults 18-35

Our research led us to focus on the lack of health prioritization in young adults 

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Online Surveys

52 Responses


18 Responses

14 Patients, 2 Doctors, 2 Staff

Cultural Probe

17 Responses

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Current experience


Key Patient Insights

Patient Pain Points

  • Painful and non-consented procedures

  • Impatient doctors

  • Insurance and financials are unclear

  • Appointment fees are discouraging

  • Long treatments and processes

  • Lack of trust in doctor’s advice

  •  Endless waiting

  • Feeling ignored​ and undervalued 

  • Insurances don’t cover all treatments

Reasons for No-Shows

  • Out of our control situations

  • Just forgot about it

  • Insurance issues

  • Work-personal issues

  • Trust issues

  • Feeling unattended or ignored 


  • Knowledgeable practices

  • Clean and able to treat

  • Quick and efficient​ procedures

  • Clear and transparent fees

  • Coordination with Insurance


  • Simple and easy
    scheduling/cancelling systems

  • Comfortable offices

  • Innovative dental experiences

  • Transparency on procedures, costs and times

  • Friendly and empathetic doctors

  • Minimum # of appointments and fees

  • Strong relationships

Motivation and Goals

We go when we have problems
Our job requires us to go
We don’t see the importance
Go for regular check-ups
Make sure there’s no trouble
Free cleanings because of insurance 


Motivation and Goals

My office is all about educating the patients and work on an appointment only schedule


  • I don't overbook. That comes with his vision of practice


  • Patients can come directly to the office and not be referred by their care provider

  • Patients needs to be better consumers

Don't Measure No-Shows

  • The staff is not sure if no-shows are because of the practice that they do

  • The doctors believe that no shows could be because of personal reasons or the costs

Key Doctor Insights

Doctor Pain Points

  • Patients not being able to communicate for no shows

  • Third parties for bookings conflict with our schedules

  • Hard to predict how much time each patient might take

  • Small clinic hence can’t order materials in bulk

Opportunity Space

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Better inform about costs, times, procedures, 
diagnostics and treatments. 

Improve patient motivations and perceptions when coming to dentist. 
(Emotional motivations)

Ensure simple and efficient procedures. No added fees and steps

Easy booking, rescheduling

Improve communication and education between doctors and patients

Jobs To Do

Building bridges in between gaps help facilitate  interactions and expectations for user towards services and providers. The Gap Model provides  a guide into how to identify and startegize how to manage the closing of the gaps that may occur witin in a Service. The Gaps identified are;: The Listening, The Communication Gap, The Service and Standard Gap, Service Performance Gap.

Decision Matrix

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BITA is a service that enhances relationships among patients, dentists and insurance providers by tracking, reinforcing and recommending new habits from dentists and carriers to patients; unlike traditional dentist services that lack transparency, efficiency and communication. 

Prototype 1

1) They highly value to be informed about the level of bacteria in their mouth

2) They would like to know what to do when having high levels of bacteria in their mouth

3) Privacy is a big concern. Would only like to share if they have problems.

4) The device must 
be easy to use

5) The promotions and the advice are the biggest incentives

6) Would like to get tips from other users

Prototype 2

1) Most important benefit is the information and control they get of their own health

2) It improves relationships with their practices by adding trust and enabling easier reach

3) They like the fact that they can receive incentives If they are doing the things they are told

4) It’s perceived as a very innovative offer No similar services currently offered

5) It creates engagement by allowing users to know what’s going on in their mouth

6) Experience Customization is an add-on

7) Users feel intimidated 
of knowing that dentist 
are always aware of their habits

8) In terms of usefulness 
it was rated on: 4/5

Service Package Offering

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Target Experience