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3 DAY Projects 

User Experience Research
Marketing Research & Brand Strategy




Business Management & Growth









Creation, Exchange,


Secondary Research
Service Strategist
Communication Plan
Outcome Metrics
Contextual Research
Concept Development
Business Model 
Service Offering
Visual Illustrator
Brand Experience
Wenqui Zhu
Jun Zhu
Wara Tantaterasak
Maitrayee Deokar
Ria Menon
Akshaya Mohan
Chico Lin
Colleen hua
6.1.2020 - 11.1.2020


As part of a collaborative project, I took part of SCAD Zoom Challanges through Hackatons of 3 days. Some Projects touched on the topics of Covid-19 2020 Solutions, "Fan experience Challenge", "No-touch Experience" and "School Experience at Home", "Mind Shift Challenge" and the yearly Start-Up Challenge.




Covid-19 2020 Solutions



Fan Experience Challenge


Project Description (summary)
As part of the Fan Experience Challenge, our team focused on the inhibitions about virtual concerts by offering them unity through artist/fan connections, and by redefining live concert experience, through direct engagement.


Problem statement 

How can we redefine past ideas of engagement with the artist, connections with the community as well as a personalized concert experience for the fans in the present virtual reality?


Final Solution

As a team, we developed a plug-in called "Concert Connex", following the trajectory of enticing through promotions, enter with personalized packages, engage with interactive experiences, exit with room to explore and finally, and lastly extend their experience by connections with other artists and fans. Concert Connex redefines the concert experience by encouraging fan connectivity through physical and virtual engagement. As an extension of this experience, Concert Connex can expand to include festivals and real time stage hopping. Further, Concert Connex can provide learning opportunities for budding artists through subscription services and in the future we can further extend the Connection between fans and artists by supporting local or new artists and promote their chance at a concerts venue and a future career! This could be made feasible through partnerships with companies such as LiveNation, Occulus, Spotify, TikTok, Uber Eats, etc.

Copy of Team 5 _ No Touch UX Challenge.jpg


Covid-19 2020 Solutions



No-touch Experience


Project Description (summary)

As part of the No-touch Experience Challenge, our team focused on the aging population represents a market projecting 84 billion dollars by 2030. During the pandemic, 75% of the patients are 50 plus, making the aging population the most need for isolation. We found similarities in liking grocery runs which are social interaction opportunities in their daily lives. With the pandemic affecting this, their common concerns like loss of interaction affecting relationships and their fear of getting sick becomes an issue, as only 16-17% of them are comfortable with pickups and deliveries, forcing them to step out of the house at some point, increasing their vulnerability.


Problem statement 

How might we provide a medium that helps the aging community shop independently online, while providing a communal experience in isolation and beyond the pandemic? 


Final Solution
As a team, we developed AISLE, an application promoting community connection while grocery shopping in isolation. The application is intended to be introduced in a TV set up through streaming devices like Roku and fire sticks, cable or simple wifi connections. As the aging population already spends more than 10 hours on TV, bigger screens and simple navigations would help them and their community with getting used to the technology. Aging people and fellow shoppers can have a wholesome connection while doing what they enjoy, in isolation as they choose through mode of navigation and options between entertainment and groceries.




Covid-19 2020 Solutions



School Experience at Home Challenge


Project Description (summary)

As part of the School Experience at Home, we wanted to focus on Parents pain points about not having enough time for their chores, while still providing an educational environment at home. The scavenger hunt program involves kids, adaptable for all age groups, in some of the daily routine activities like working out, grocery shopping, cooking etc. while also enabling the kids to learn in an engaging and interactive manner. 


Problem statement 

Parents struggling to balance their work load, household chores and providing a tactile learning experience to their K-5 children with resources at home.


Final Solution

As a team, we developed an expanding learning opportunity through the "Pack".  The ‘pack’ entails a scavenger - hunt theme of readily available objects along guidelines for the parent, goodies as rewards for the kids, and a supporting online platform for connecting with teachers and other parents- thus making the learning manageable. This pack would be shared in rotation amongst the students, making the product feasible, and can be implemented globally due to its simple nature of using household objects, making it inclusive.



Covid-19 2020 Solutions



Mind Shift Challenge


Project Description (summary)

As part of the Mind Shift Challenge, our team wanted to tackle the issue of mind-shift in the future of sustainability. Many believe that it’s the government’s responsibility to protect the environment. But individual contribution is important as well. Direct pollutions like our excessive use of electricity, fuels, waste, and transportation are caused by the everyday person in their daily tasks. Overall, there's a lack of: Knowledge, Interest, Motivation, engagement in protecting environment.


Problem statement 

How might we increase transparency and impact of actions through their engagement in protecting environment?


Final Solution

As a team, we developed "MI-SHI", an app for creating a mind shift in individuals at their home into being more sustainable towards the future. Unlike other not gamified platforms only track utility information. The app product shows the collective contribution to the global good. We are desinged an application for everyday individuals and household members. (considering children, roommates, and family members). Our goal was to motivate individuals to be more proactive in taking actions to protect the environment. We did this is by representing the environmental outcomes of individual actions and comparing the results in the local and global communities in a gamified setting.

Final Presentation Start Up 2021_Team ACC.jpg


Covid-19 2020 Solutions



Start-Up Week Challenge


Project Description (summary)

As part of the Start-Up Week Challenge, our team designated redesigning an experience that could be rippled through different target users, like remote workers, within a virtual covid-lifestyle to strengthen weak ties. Our team's proposed solution explores possible build-on alternatives beyond other users and industries with already available resources.


Problem statement 

How might remote workers tap into discovering and maintaining Interpersonal Communication with other casual acquaintances virtually?


Final Solution

As a team, we developed a plug-in called "T!es", for virtual conference meeting softwares like Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, for remote workers to keep casual acquaintances through low-attended communication interactions that could later add to their circle of friends to extend within and outside the workplace. 

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